Focus on “Great Discussion”: Tan Tieniu Attends a Workshop with Teacher Representatives from the School of Marxism


A workshop for teacher representatives of the School of Marxism was held on December 2 at Xianlin Campus, Nanjing University (NJU), to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and accelerate the construction of “the First Nanjing University”. Tan Tieniu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and secretary of the CPC Committee of NJU, participated and spoke with the representatives. Wang Jianhua, secretary of the CPC committee of the School of Marxism, presided over the workshop.

During the workshop, Wang Jianhua remobilized the participantsto prepare for the “Great Discussion” on fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and accelerating the construction of “the First Nanjing University”. Wang announced the dedicated email address of the School of Marxism for receiving advice and suggestions and introduced detailed plans of each teaching and research section as well as each Party branch of the students and the faculty for carrying out the Great Discussion. Nearly twenty teacher representatives engaged in a lively discussion on various topics related to NJU and the School of Marxism, such as discipline development, academic innovation, talent training, administration system, and office environment, exploring solutions and offering helpful suggestions.

The teacher representatives thought highly of the timeliness, necessity, and far-reaching significance of the “Great Discussion”. They suggested that NJU shall further enhance its scientific research planning by supporting cross-disciplinary and collaborative key research projects of strategic, fundamental, and original categories. According to them, NJU should consider revising its previous approach to talent recruitment and title recognition, which mainly focused on five criteria: research papers, academic honors and awards, educational qualifications, and professional titles. The representatives also suggested that NJU should fully recognize the crucial and fundamental role young teachers play in the future development of the University and provide them with more support. In addition to focusing on and supporting existing national projects, NJU should further explore new development points of its arts disciplines, to align with the needs of both our country and the era. Furthermore, they believed that NJU should continue to improve the scientific research spaces, offices, and resources necessary for constructing the national key school of Marxism and effectively promoting the construction of discipline development platforms.

Tan Tieniu expressed his deep admiration for the attendees’ advice and suggestions, which he thinks vividly demonstrate the strong connection between the faculty, thestudents and NJU, their sincere hope for the University’s future, and their sense of responsibility and urgency.

In Tan’s view, the “Great Discussion” aimed to engage all faculty members and students, listening to their constructive ideas and actionable advice on overall, directional, and strategic issues related to NJU’s development. Participants brainstormed and reached a consensus on NJU’s goals, corresponding actions, key challenges that call for addressing, etc.

In order to strengthen the development of disciplines and cultivate a team of high-quality talents, Tan proposed five requirements. Firstly, we need to understand the University’s current situation better and recognize the significant changes in our environment within global and national conditions. We should consider technology, education, and talents compressively and strategically. We must accurately perceive changes, responding to them reasonably, and proactively seek ways to adapt. Secondly, we should seize new opportunities for developing our disciplines. The school and the academic fields should embrace these unprecedented changes in the recent hundred years to explore promising new paths. Thirdly, we must fully commit ourselves to expanding the ideological battleground. We should stand our ground on our beliefs, reinforcing them, and be bold pioneers. Fourthly, we must uphold the principle of open education and promote cooperation and communication to broaden our horizons, showcase our abilities, and enhance cohesion through openness and communication. Fifthly, we should be more resolute and self-assured in our future development. We must draw on NJU’s rich history, seize the opportunity, leverage our advantageous location and talented personnel, utilize our comprehensive strengths, and forge ahead with an unwavering determination to build “the first Nanjing University”.

Wang Mingsheng also attended the workshop, who is a standing member of the CPC Nanjing University Committee, director of the CPC Nanjing University Committee Office, and director of the United Front Work Department of CPC at Nanjing University.

On December 4, Mr. Tan visited the young teacher’s apartment at Nanyuan on Gulou Campus despite the rainy Sunday. He took this opportunity to communicate with our teachers, understand their current difficulties in daily life and offer timely support.
