A Study of the Takeaways of Xi Jinping’s Letter: Core Study Group of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism at NJU Discusses the Letter Replying to the Nanjing University-based Young Scholars by Xi Jinping


This year marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of Nanjing University (NJU). On May 18, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a reply to a letter from a group of NJU-based young scholars returning from overseas studies. In his letter, Xi expressed his expectation of the young scholars returning from overseas. He also extended congratulations on the anniversary and greetings to NJU faculty, staff, students, and alumni.

To thoroughly implement the takeaways of Xi Jinping’s letter, the core study group of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism at NJU (the “core study group”) held an enlarged meeting of the leading Party members’ group on the morning of May 23 at the Meeting Room 212 in Shengda Building. Wang Jianhua, secretary of the CPC Committee of the School of Marxism at NJU, presided over the meeting. Members of the School’s CPC Committee, along with the director of the Teaching and Research Department and teacher representatives, were in attendance. All Communist teachers and student representatives participated in the meeting online.

Wang Jianhua revealed the background and context of Xi Jinping’s letter. He suggested the faculty and students actively respond to the call from the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and the CPC NJU Committee, learning from and thoroughly implementing the takeaways of Xi’s letter. “The ardent expectations and specific requirements expressed in this letter have provided us with a fundamental guideline and pointed the way towards embarking on a new journey, accelerating the development of ‘the First Nanjing University.’ We must recognize the high expectations placed upon young scholars returning from overseas and NJU faculty and students by our esteemed leader. The entire School of Marxism shall read this letter carefully and act upon the takeaways as soon as possible,” Wang said. In addition, he assigned learning tasks and requirements to the faculty and students at the School of Marxism, focusing on “the ultimate task for ideological and political teachers in moral education,” as well as“how to build up firm confidence in Chinese culture and better tell China’s stories”.

Then, attendees started a lively discussion on Xi’s letter and shared their ideas and insights. “Xi Jinping’s letter, I think, has put forward two requests. He first urges us to contribute to moral education and promote our self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology. Second, he encourages us to showcase our unwavering confidence in Chinese culture, better narrate China’s stories, and set examples,” one of the teacher representatives Shen Boping said. “As ideological and political teachers, we should place moral education at the center. Xi expressed the importance of ideological and political courses. He highlights the concept of curriculum ideology and politics and requires integrating ideological and political education in specialized courses.” Shen suggested that ideological and political teachers explore ways to elevate the level of their ideological and political courses and enhance the quality of instruction. “Ideological and political courses also serve to strengthen confidence in Chinese culture and better convey China’s stories. College students of the Gen Z generation are highly engaged, so how can we effectively impart our prevailing ideology? By guiding them towards a deeper understanding.”

Another teacher representative Li Haichao reiterated that Xi Jinping called for building cultural confidence and better telling China’s stories. On the one hand, young scholars should share stories about studying abroad and academic exchange. For nearly 200 years, numerous overseas students studied abroad and then returned to China. There are heart-melting and inspiring individual stories forming parts of the exchange and interaction between China and the rest of the world. On the other hand, young scholars should share stories about self-strengthening and self-reliance. For thousands of years, the Chinese have demonstrated strong ingenuity, endeavor, and entrepreneurial spirit. There are many small stories that we should pass down to future generations, which showcase how the Chinese nation pursues self-reliance perseveringly. Li believed that we should actively get engaged and try our best to share such stories, even an excerpt.

Teacher representative Li Qiankun, one of the teachers who received government support to study abroad, considers this experience as a priceless gift from the country. It has motivated him to work hard and contribute back to China. “After studying Xi Jinping’s letter, I have further considered my identity. In the future teaching practice and research, I will keep in mind the mission of moral education, build cultural confidence, and study Marxism in the Chinese context,” he said.

Teacher representative Wu Haibao argued that the foundation of cultural confidence is Marxism, as for building cultural confidence stressed by Xi in his letter. The teachers of ideology and politics at NJU should study the Marxist classics meticulously while also helping students to read and understand Marxist theory and embrace Marxism.

Student representative Chen Xiao suggested young Party and League members keep in mind Xi Jinping’s expectation: You can live your life to the fullest by embracing the Party’s banner as your own, aligning yourself with the Party’s goals and aspirations, and working towards fulfilling the Party’s mission. Chen also stated that young members of the Party and League should take responsibility for their studies, work, and personal lives. This means they should devote themselves wholeheartedly, make every effort possible, and fulfill their youthful pledge of making our country strong to the Party.

For student representative Chu Xinzhu, what impressed her was Xi Jinping emphasized that young scholars should show concern about “national affairs” and take the “nation’s responsibility”. “As a Party branch secretary at the grassroots level, I will sharpen my sense of accountability, grow a deeper attachment to homeland, and align my study with the latest theories related to the CPC’s history, Constitution of the CPC, the CPC’s reports, etc. with the big picture and higher political positioning. I will understand the Party’s theories better, making it a useful reference for solving problems, working, and addressing challenges,” Chu said. Additionally, student representative Yang Linhuai indicated that doctoral students at NJU should always consider “how can we share Chinese stories?” and convey Chinese stories better by valuing national sentiments and styles.

At the end of the meeting, Chen Jian, Hu Daping, and Wang Jianhua shared their insights and summarized the meeting.

As teachers at the School of Marxism, we are motivated by Xi Jinping’s letter. We must perform our administrative, teaching, and research duties, especially focusing on moral education, development of postgraduate education, and our research,” said Chen Jian, deputy dean of the School of Marxism at NJU. “Xi’s letter is a good opportunity and a strong impetus for NJU and the School of Marxism at NJU. We must carefully study this letter as it is conducive to our work.”

Hu Daping, dean of the School of Marxism, suggested that we should focus on moral education and take a leading role in building “the first Nanjing University” from a broader perspective. In his view, Xi Jinping’s expectations and hopes reflected in his letter could point the way to the goals of NJU and serve as a significant and far-reaching reference. Moral education should rest on NJU’s historical contributions and current development. It should be closely aligned with the national strategies and demands of the wider society from four dimensions, including scientific and technological development, talent cultivation, educational environment, and cultural confidence. Moral education should also track global trends and the path of high education development. To take a leading role in promoting cultural confidence and sharing China’s stories, NJU should establish a high-quality innovation platform and optimize resource allocation by leveraging existing leading platforms and major projects. As one of China’s top schools and advanced education institutions, NJU is well-positioned to achieve this goal.

Wang Jianhua, the secretary of the CPC Committee of the School of Marxism at NJU, believed that NJU should always keep the country’s top priorities in mind, be committed to its utmost missions, and take responsibility and accountability seriously. Therefore, he offered three pieces of advice. First, only patriotic individuals can make a difference and realize great dreams. Teachers should broaden their academic horizons for no private gain. Officials and leaders should aim to serve the country and the people. Second, NJU should adopt a global perspective to better tell China’s stories. Young scholars who have returned from overseas are in a unique position to provide moral education and share China’s stories. They can effectively explain the advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the benefits of excellent traditional Chinese culture by comparing China with its peers. Young scholars returning from overseas studies should become a major force for the School of Marxism at NJU to ensure the quality of its ideological and political courses. Third, we must keep in mind the mission of the times and strive for self-improvement. The history of NJU is shaped by its faculty and students. Over the past 120 years, we have often asked ourselves: What contributions have we made? Only through constant self-reflection can we continue to push ourselves beyond our limits.


Moreover, Communist students at the School of Marxism have been engaged in the surge of reading Xi’s letter.

Science has no borders, but scientists have their own homeland. NJU-based young scholars returning from overseas studies should show concern about ‘national affairs’ and take the ‘nation’s responsibility’, carry forward the glorious tradition of studying abroad and returning to serve the motherland. In their pursuit of serving the country and the people, it is important for them to emphasize moral education, make greater contributions to self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, and serve as role models in promoting a strong sense of confidence in Chinese culture while sharing China’s stories. It is our fortune to live in a great era. NJU’s faculty and students always uphold the mottos of ‘Sincerity with Aspiration, Perseverance with Integrity’ and ‘Overcome hardship and do great things’. We should set a good example about building up strong confidence in Chinese culture and sharing China’s stories. We should also contribute our intelligence and efforts to building a modern socialist country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!”

 Deng Siyang, a doctoral student, Class of 2021, School of Marxism

In his letter to NJU-based young scholars returning from overseas studies, Xi Jinping thought highly of their commitment to studying abroad and returning to serve the country. He also expressed his ardent expectation to them and extended congratulations on the anniversary and greetings to NJU faculty, staff, students, and alumni. This year marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of NJU. As a young student majoring in History of the CPC of the School of Marxism at NJU, I think we should actively respond to Xi Jinping’s call to devote ourselves to serving the country and working on moral education. We should be down-to-earth and innovative, while serving the people. We should stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We need to strengthen our professional knowledge, improve our skills in promoting the Party’s values, share the Party’s achievements, and uphold its traditions. As for my commitment, I vow to contribute to the development of Nanjing University and make my country stronger under the guidance of the Party.”

 Yao Hanlin, a postgraduate student, Class of 2020, School of Marxism

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of NJU. Xi Jinping made a reply to a letter of NJU-based young scholars returning from overseas studies on May 18. I’m deeply aware of the pride and sense of mission as an NJU student. In this letter, Xi Jinping acknowledges the valuable contributions of previous scientists and scholars from NJU who returned from overseas studies while expressing his hopes for the younger generation. As Xi said, we should show concern about ‘national affairs’ and take the ‘nation’s responsibility.’ Walking on our campus, I deeply feel the mission and responsibility I should take as an NJU student and a young person in this new era.”

 Cai Ziqi, a postgraduate student, Class of 2020, School of Marxism

I feel duty-bound and proud of my mission after reading Xi Jinping’s letter. An increasingly prosperous and powerful country would not have been possible without the hard work and obligation of generations of scientists and researchers. More importantly, the young generation in the new era needs to take up the baton in different positions and make great strides. As a young Party member at the School of Marxism, I will keep in mind Xi Jinping’s call for showing concern about ‘national affairs’ and taking the ‘nation’s responsibility’. First, I will affirm our commitment to Marxism, diligently acquire knowledge, and gain a deeper understanding of the humanistic values and aspirations that underlie it. Second, I will immerse myself in China’s reality, actively participate in its development, share its stories, and set an example as a dedicated Party member. I will stand up when the country needs me and devote my youth to the country. Third, I will boost my cultural confidence and uphold the spirit of NJU. I will become an accountable doer, enduring hardship, and be devoted. Through practical efforts, I look forward to contributing to the success of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.”

 Cong Zheng, a postgraduate student, Class of 2021, School of Marxism

Studying Xi Jinping’s letter has made the core study group decide to meet the goal indicated by Xi and implement the takeaways set out in the letter. The core study group will seek to turn their insights into powerful driving forces and effective outcomes for building “the first Nanjing University” and accelerating its journey to become a world-class university with top-notch disciplines. Meanwhile, the Party members should continue to draw confidence and motivation from this letter while keeping in mind the expectations of our leader. Our top priority now and in the future is to study, disseminate, and thoroughly implement the takeaways of this letter as we prepare for the success of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.